CANstruction 2022 - 13th Annual Competition
Date: April 8, 2022
Venue: Dimond Center
Theme: Games
Entries: 8
Food Donated - 25,000 CANs
Awards: Best Original Design #bestoriginaldesign
Structural Ingenuity #structuralingenuity
Most CANs #mostcans
Team 8: RIM / Reid Middleton
CANstructure: Hungry Hungry Hippos
CANs: 1,224
To feed every person, we've brought back this nostalgic goard game. At 9'-6" wide x 9'6" long and 1'-8" tall, the Hungry Hungry Hippos CANstructure will surely be a treat to those young and old.
Team 5: Enterprise Engineering, Inc.
(aka The Alley CANs)
CANstructure: Spare What You Can (Bowling Pins, Ball)
CANs: 6,150
The Alley CANs from Enterprise Engineering, Inc. CAN’t help but love three things: designing cool structures,
helping their community, and of course, bowling! These league champs are taking you back to the bowling alley for the 2022 CANstruction tournament. The game is afoot with this years’ theme. And that foot is in a bowling shoe. It was all fun and games until the Alley CANs learned that 1 in 6 children in Alaska struggle with hunger. That’s why they are sparing what they CAN to provide healthy foods to strike out hunger in Alaska. All the CANs in the Alley CANs structure meet the Food Bank of Alaska’s Most Wanted List (no CANdy here). The Alley CANs scored a well-balanced diet of:
Tuna ,Black Olives, Carrots, Corn, Green Beans, Peas and Potatoes.
In their 10x10x10 CANvas, these pin-gineers built three eight-foot-tall bowling pins and a three-foot-tall bowling
ball. Each pin was assembled with approximately 1,050 CANs of assorted veggies, while the bowling ball was
created from 3,000 CANs of tuna. No veggies were rolling down their gutter. 6,150 CANs makes a signifiCANt
difference. Even when the pins are split the CANstruction event provides bumpers to aid the Food Bank in their aim to CANcel
out hunger in our state. The Food Bank always accepts donations. So, c’mon and join us. Spare what you CAN!
FBA Staff Choice #FBAstaffchoice
Awards: Best use of Labels #bestuseoflabels
Awards: FBA Most Wanted #FBAmostwanted
Awards: People's Choice #peopleschoice
Team 9: R&M Consultants
CANstructure: Sinking Hunger One CAN at a Time (Battleship)
CANs: 2,300
Battleship is a classic head-to-head game of turn-based strategy on the high seas. In this battle against hunger, our team simulated hours of gameplay to develop a winning strategy that would deliver a "Game Over" to hunger.
Our CANstructure shows one of these simulations. Our payload consists of sardines, lentil soup, and sea-salted black olives which provides protein, fiber, vitamins and minerals strengthening our forces against hunger.
Team 2: Coffman Engineers / Cornerstone Construction / MCG Design
CANstructure: CAN Mario Build it? Let's-A Go! (Super Mario Brothers)
CANs: 3,400
We all knew that Mario loved traveling through pipes, stomping Goombas, and saving the Princess. But did you know his secret passion for feeding those in our community?
Team 4: DOWL
CANstructure: Putting Hunger in Check (Chess)
CANs: 2,424
Working together, the Queen and the Pawn have cornered the lone King, who CANnot escape. Moving away from his allies, he has learned that working alone CANnot win the game.
CAN we play this strategic game together? We value doing what we CAN for each other. Play your part, make your move, and you too CAN make brilliant moves for your community.
Team 1: Architects Alaska / BBFM
CANstructure: CANgry Bird Fighting Hunger for AlasCANs (Angry Birds)
CANs: 3,255
Every CAN counts. Architects Alaska and BBFM Engineers have joined forces to see how well we stack up against fighting hunger for AlasCANs.
The Angry Birds are fighting green pigs, but our CANgry Bird's up to bigger battles - like fighting hunger. We're sending almost 3,000 pounds of food to hungry families in Alaska when our CANgry Bird soars into the air!
Team 3: CRW Engineering Group, LLC
CANstructure: Baba is You
CANs: 2,408
CRW Engineering Group is excited to share this indie puzzle game BABA is YOU. This puzzle game involves specific, simple rules (ROCK is STOP) set forth to help you beat the level (FLAG is WIN!). The best part is you CAN change the rules (Rock is NOT Stop!) and create new ways to level up.
In the real world, ending food scarcity in Alaska is a big challenge we all face. The DOOR is Shut currently on this issue and we need to find our KEY to OPEN it. The best thing is there are many ways to solve this problem and CANstruction is one way we help to end food insecurity here. We are all wanted to level up, because BABA is ALL ALASKANS and we won't stop until BABA is FED!
Team 7: NVision Architecture
CANstructure: Monopoly
CANs: 3,515
An opportunity for the Design Community to take a created change to collect CANs for Alaska's Community Chest.
The idea behind CANstruction is to give the design community an opppurtunity to be a player in the fight against hunger. It's time to GO forward in partnership with the local food bank as they invest in helping more than 50,000 Alaskan households avoid hunger every year. With your help, we can give hunger the boot.